A Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy
A Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy
(Database of QUATERNARY
Terrestrial European Stratigraphy )
INQUA-SACCOM granted (1612-F) International Focus Group
The idea for the activities of the International Focus Group SEQS (Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy, INQUA-SACCOM) started after several talks with Wim Westheroff, Guzel Danukalova and Markus Fiebig, particularly during the Nagoya 2015 INQUA Congress, and aims to continue and improve the SEQS’s past activities.
Photo by Guzel Danukalova: SEQS 2006 Meeting, Pianico Cellere, Italy
First at all, it must be clear that this is NOT a proper Stratigraphic Database: it is a Geographic Database of the Terrestrial Quaternary Sites with stratigraphic importance from all over Europe.
Across-Europe correlation was the main goal for past SEQS activities although in most Regions Quaternary stratigraphical schemes were developed using complex litho-, chrono-, and bio-stratigraphical criteria that made correlations in terrestrial Quaternary systems problematic.
This was also due to the fragmentary nature of these records and to the problems related to reliable dating techniques covering the full range of Quaternary time
Photo by Guzel Danukalova: SEQS 2008 Meeting, Penestin, Brittany, France
The DATESTRA Geodatabase
The Password for the Database is EASY. It means EASY COMPILATION, as the compilers invited to contribute to the project should provide BASIC INFORMATION for each site, including basic bibliographic reference. The Database should serve to the end-user as a starting point for further search in terms of details and attributes. Moreover, a further goal of this database is to contain only KEY SITES, that are historical or scientifically well-known sites or i.e. the better constrained sites from every Country. For these reasons the Database should also be EASY TO QUERY; the end-user should be able to query and find the information needed, i.e. the chronostratigraphical interval and the dating methods, the biostratigraphical proxies etc.
The structure of the Geodatabase (GDB) is therefore conceived considering these objectives.
Each site (a point) has a number of Domains and related attributes that provide the knowledge applicable to the GDB and each Domain and attribute is expressed through a set of values. The Domains are grouped into 4 main topics and each Domain contain the attributes with a limited number of values, in order to make the GDB as simpler as possible
Pieruccini P., Danukalova G., Fiebig M., 2018. SEQS-DATESTRA a Database of Terrestrial Quaternary stratigraphical sites of Europe: INQUA funded international Focus Group 1620f SACCOM. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary AMQ https://doi.org/10.26382/AIQUA.2018.AIQUAconference
DOWNLOAD for reference
1) Registry – The attributes are related to the basic information regarding name of the site, Country, Region, Geographic coordinates, names and institutions of compilers, date of compilation, Type of site, State of preservation of the site.
2) Stratigraphy – The attributes are related to the basic information regarding the Chronostratigraphical attribution, Geochronological method for attribution, Reliability of the attribution, Depositional Environment, presence of Unconformities, Biological proxies, Morphostratigraphy, Lithostratigraphy, Pedostratigraphy and Magnetostratigraphy.
3) Correlation – The attributes are related to the correlation of the site with Climatostratigraphy or MIS. The MIS attribution is provided for MIS intervals as follows: MIS 1-19, if single; MIS1-20, 20-32, 32-64, 64-103, 1-103 if intervals of MIS.
4) Documents – The attributes are related to the documents, and their path, attached to the table of the site, i.e. article, photo, table, log etc.
Each territory has its own regional names of the Quaternary units and regional stratigraphic schemes which sometimes have some problems when we try to correlate stratigraphical units from different parts of Europe.
DATESTRA will focus on Sites belonging to the main Quaternary stages as assessed by IGSC (Lower-, Middle-, Upper Pleistocene and Holocene) giving emphasis on the stage boundaries and transitions. This approach should give a summary and overview of the main characters of the subseries/stages across Europe.
The Database will be made available as web-GIS applications like “Story Maps” in order to give to the wider audience as possible, also at informative level, the chance to have an overview of the European Terrestrial Quaternary stratigraphical setting.
The link to the temporary Story Map with examples of sites compiled for some of the European Countries is the following
there you can check what has been done and how the output of the Database should look like.
INQUA DUBLIN 2019 (25th-31st July)
Session "The Quaternary of Europe: Stratigraphical perspectives and tools for correlations"
9:00-13:15 Wednesday, 31st July, 2019 Wicklow Hall 1 (Level 2) DATESTRA will be officially and for the first time presented to the INQUA Audience
9:00-9:15 | O-5036
Pierluigi Pieruccini1,Davide Susini2,Pier Lorenzo Fantozzi2,Silvia Marchese2,Guzel Danukalova3,Markus Fiebig4
1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy.
2. Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy.
3. Institute of Geology of the Ufimian Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russian Federation.
4. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Wien, Austria.
INQUA SEQS 2018 Meeting
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst & Cave Sediments
Postojna, Slovenia, 12 – 17 September 2018The Meeting was joined by 143 participants from 16 countries, organized by Andrej Mihevc and Nadja Zupan and their collaborators and hosted by Karst Research Institute in Postojna, Slovenia, 12-18 September.
In total 55 talks were presented with contributions on Quaternary Stratigraphy in tectonically active Karst environments” and international set of field studies from Italy, Slovenia, Czech Croatia, Turkey, France and Poland to the Transbaikal region.
The 14th the DATESTRA session showed advances in the project from the countries Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus and Poland.
In the final poster session again 9 scientific inputs were display and in short notices announced. During the field trips of the following days, the SEQS group got new knowledge about classical Karst systems including the UNESCO site Skocjanske Jame, blind valleys, the amazing Alpine cave Snezna jama and the Ljubljana basin.
The 2018 meeting brought to all participants valuable informations about Quaternary stratigraphy in cave and karst environments.
Several talks were devoted to the DATESTRA Project
(Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy):
1. Danukalova, G., Yakovlev, A., Kosintsev, P., Kurmanov, R., Osipova, E., Yakovleva, T., Sokolov, Y., van Kolfschoten, Th. Quaternary cave deposits of the Southern Uralian region (Russia).
2. Ridush, B., Stefaniak, K., Nadachowsky, A., Ratajczak, U., Socha, P., Popiuk, Y., Ridush, O. & Nykolyn, O. Pleistocene fauna of the Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave (Crimea, Ukraine): new data.
3. Avdieienko, Yu., Gerasimenko, N. & Ridush, B. Paleontological and lithological study of the Kryshtaleva cave (Ukraine).
4. Fadeeva, T. & Kosintsev, P. Mammal remains from Makhnevskaya ledyanaya cave (Perm Pre-Ural, Russia): biostratigraphic reconstruction
5. Gimranov, D. & Kosintsev, P. Quaternary large mammals from the Imanay Cave.
6. Mencin Gale, E., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Trajanova, M., Bavec, M., Anselmetti, F.S. & Šmuc, A. The Plio-Quaternary fluvial archives in the Slovenj Gradec and the Nazarje Basin, Northern Slovenia.
7. Sanko, A.F., Koloshich, S.M. & Dubman ,A.V. Key-sites of the Belarus Upper Pleistocene.
8. Krokhmal, A. Reference sections of the paleofaunal subdivisions of the Early Pleistocene (Eopleistocene) in the South of Eastern Europe (on the basis of small mammals).
9. Gerasimenko, N. The candidate sections for DATESTRA from the Nort-Eastern Ukraine.
10. Lasberg, K. Pleistocene stratigraphy key-sites of Estonia in DATESTRA.
11. Šeirienė, V. Pleistocene stratigraphy and key sites in Lithuania.
12. Ponomarev, D. Quaternary key sections in the north of European Russia – a contribution to DATESTRA.
13. Titov, V.V., Tesakov, A.S., Simakova, A.N., Frolov, P.D., Borisova, O.K., Panin, P.G., Timireva, S.N., Konov, Yu.M. & Syromyatnikova, E.V. Key sections of Pleistocene continental deposits from North-Eastern Sea of Azov region.
14. Marks, L. An input of key sites in Poland to the European stratigraphy.
15. Sobczyk, A., Pitura, M., Badura, J. & Stefaniak, K. Poland during the Eemian (MIS 5e) stage: a project of the Web GIS interactive database.
16. Izvarin, E. P & Ulitko, A. I. Stratigraphical and paleotheriological description of Holocene sediments from Nizhneirginsky grotto (middle Urals).
17. Korsakova, O. & Lavrova, N. Neopleistocene (Middle and Upper Pleistocene) stratigraphy and applicable key points in the Karelia, N-W Russia.
18. Zaretskaya, N.E., Panin, A.V., Molod’kov, A.N., Trofimova, S.S.& Baranov, D.V. Pleistocene chronostratigraphy and key-seections of the Vychegda River Basin (European North-East).
The SEQS 2018 Meeting will have a Quaternary International Special Issue titled “Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst & Cave Sediments: SEQS 2018 Meeting” (Guest Editors G. Danukalova, A. Mihevijc, N. Zupan Hajna, M. Fiebig) that is undergoing preparation with a provisional list of 19 contributions.
INQUA- SEQS 2017 Meeting
Quaternary stratigraphy and hominids around Europe
Tautavel, France (10-15th of September 2017)
About 30 participants joined the Meeting, organized by Vincenzo Celiberti and his collaborators and hosted by EPCC CERP Centre Européen de Recherches Prèhistoriques de Tautavel in collaboration with UMR 7194 “HNHP” du CNRS, MNHN-UPVD-CERP de Tautavel and UPVD Universitè de Perpignan.
Sunday the 10th of September 15 Quaternary European scientists participated to a DATESTRA Workshop where Pierluigi Pieruccini presented the advances in DATESTRA database design and structuring, including the output of the preliminary 25 sites compiled by the above mentioned Italian team. The structure of the database was discussed in terms of attributes and related values, terminology, type of table to be shared among contributors, format of text to be attached to each site and final output (Story Map). At the end of the Workshop the participants agreed on the final revision of database, table and related outputs.
35 oral and poster contributions authored by 125 scientists were presented during the SEQS-DATESTRA Meeting the 11th and the 12th of September.
At the beginning of the Meeting Thijsh Van Kolfshoten gave a touching speech in memoriam of Wim Westerhoff, past SEQS President and Secretary who passed away last May 2017.
The contributions will be published in a Special Issue of Quaternary Internationl titled “Quaternary stratigraphy and hominids around Europe: SEQS 2017 meeting”.
The 13th, 14th and 15th of September the Meeting continued with a 3-days Fieldtrip that allowed the participants to visit some of the most important Quaternary sites of eastern Pyrenees: 1) Caune de l'Arago (Christian Perrenoud, Anne Marie Moigne and Vincenzo Celiberti) and Prehistory Museum of Tautavel and the European Research Centre of Tautavel, where Marie-Antoinette de Lumley showed the famous original palaeoanthropoligical collection; 2) Les Orgues-Ille sur Tet (Marc Calvet and Magali Delmas, Université de Perpignan) Pleistocene continental successions and their relationships with the coastal marine Pliocene record and the staircase of alluvial terraces along the Roussillon; 3) bad weather conditions did not allow the forecasted visit to Arbreda Cave (Catalonia) and Olot volcanic sequences. However, the SEQS’ people visited the Ramaldis cave, along the coast of the Lyon Gulf, (MIS 5) and the Grottes Canalettes.
Several talks were devoted to the DATESTRA Project (Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy):
1. Pieruccini P., Danukalova G., Fiebig M. DATESTRA: a database of terrestrial european stratigraphy (INQUA funded focus group SACCOM: 1612F).
2. Pieruccini P., Bertini A., Coltorti M., Magri D., Palombo M.R., Ravazzi C., Sala B. The Italian contribution to the DATESTRA project (INQUA Funded Focus Group SACCOM: 1612f): a first compilation of the main Italian Quaternary sites.
3. Šeirienė Vaida, Stančikaitė Miglė, Šinkūnas Petras, Kisielienė Dalia, Gedminienė Laura. The problem of chronostratigraphy of The Middle Pleistocene Snaigupėlė interglacial sediments of Lithuania.
4. Talamo Sahra, Coltorti Mauro, Di Rita Federico, Godefroid Fabienne, Kindler Pascal, Frechen Manfred, Lasberg Katrin, Montagna Paolo, Sanna Laura, Sechi Daniele, Andreucci Stefano, Pascucci Vincenzo. A MIS 5a attribution to the deposits of the type-section of the Tyrrhenian Stage at Cala Mosca – Is Mesas (South East Sardinia, Italy)?
5. Marks Leszek. New insight into The Late Middle Pleistocene stratigraphy in Poland.
6. Schokker J., Van De Ven T.J.M. The stratigraphical context of a deeply buried Middle Palaeolithic Site in the Southern Netherlands and its importance for archaeological prospecting.
7. Kalnina Laimdota, Paparde Līga, Cerina Aija, Loze Ilze, Strautnieks Ivars, Kiziks Kristaps, Macāne Aija. Palaeogeographical conditions and settlement character during the Stone Age in Lubans Plain, Eastern Latvia.
8. Danukalova Guzel, Osipova Eugenija, Yakovlev Anatoly, Kurmanov Ravil. Biostratigraphy of the Early Pleistocene (Paleopleistocene) of the Southern Urals Region, Russia.
9. Danukalova Guzel, Osipova Eugenija, Yakovlev Anatoly, Kurmanov Ravil. Middle, Upper Pleistocene (Neopleistocene) and holocene key-sites of The Southern Uralian Region (Russia): summary for the database.
10. Marks Leszek. Proposal of Polish key sites to the data base of the Quaternary stratigraphy of Europe.
11. Lefort Jean-Pierre, Danukalova Guzel, Monnier Jean-Laurent. DATESTRA in Brittany and Normandy. The Pre-DATESTRA correlations and other trans-european considerations.
12. Angelucci Diego E., Susini Davide. Stratigraphy and formation processes of Upper Pleistocene Sites in the River Mula Basin (Murcia, Spain).
13. Fadeeva Tatyana, Gimranov Dmitriy, Kosintsev Pavel. New data on Late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Ignatievskaya Cave, Southern Urals.
14. Korsakova Olga, Kolka Vasiliy. Pleistocene stratigraphy and key-sections in Kola peninsula, north west Russia. Available data.
15. Gerasimenko Natalia. The Ukrainian candidate sections for DATESTRA.
SEQS 2017 Meeting contributions will be soon published in a Quaternary International Special Issue titled “Quaternary Stratigraphy and Hominids around Europe: SEQS 2017 Meeting” (Guest Editors P. Pieruccini, G. Danukalova, V. Celiberti) where 14 manuscripts were already accepted and sent to production
The Meeting was held from the 3th to the 11th of September 2016 in Erevan, Armenia with the participation of 43 participants from 15 countries with 36 oral and poster contributions. A four days Field trip gave the chance to the participants to visit many of the most interesting Quaternary sites of Armenia, spanning from Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene basalts and their relationships with terrestrial mainly fluvial sedimentation. The fieldtrip allowed also the visit to well constrained Palaeolithic sites (Haghtanak-3, Kurtan, Karakhach, Nor Geghi-1 etc.) as well as Holocene sites. One day was devote to the visit of Dmanisi (South Georgia) to the famous early hominine site (dated back at 1.8 Ma) (photo 1).
During the geological excursion participants were expressed by culture of population of the Armenian Republic and saw evidences of the integration of the Quaternary rocks (tufa, basalts etc.) in the ancient architecture – an Armenian monastery Sanahin of 10th century, UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is famous by unique architectural forms and a number of khachkars (cross-stones); a 10th century Armenian monastic complex in Haghpat, Armenia, another UNESCO World Heritage Site; an Armenian basilica constructed around the 5th-7th century in the Odzun village of the Lori Province of Armenia which represents well preserved domed basilica; and a 9th century monastic complex Sevanavank located on a peninsula at the northwestern shore of Lake Sevan.
Unfortunately, the IFG Leader in charge for the DATESTRA activities (Pierluigi Pieruccini) did not attend the Meeting due to house troubles after the earthquake that affected Central Italy last 24th of August. During the Meeting a DATESTRA Session and the IFG was launched involving people from different regions of Europe and ECR scientists who presented their data and opened the discussion for the future perspectives.
Several talks were devoted to the DATESTRA Project (Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy):
- P. Pieruccini, M. Fiebig, G. Danukalova. DATESTRA: a database of terrestrial European stratigraphy (INQUA grant 1612F).
- K. Lasberg. Pleistocene stratigraphy and key sites in Estonia.
- N. Gerasimenko, P. Haesaerts, Ph. Nigst, T. Lyashik, L. Kulakovska, V. Usik. The Late Pleistocene vegetational and climatic changes in the Middle Dniester area (Ukraine) based on the study of the Paleolithic sites Neporotovo VII and Doroshivtsi III.
- G. Danukalova, R. Kurmanov, E. Osipova, A. Yakovlev. Biostratigraphy of the late Early Pleistocene (Eopleistocene) of the Southern Urals Region.
- T. Gaudenyi. Stratigraphical units of the Pleistocene temperate stage fluvial deposits of Serbia.
- G. Danukalova, A. Zastrozhnov. Characteristic of the Apsheronian (Early Pleistocene) deposits of the Lower Volga area (Astrakhan arch).
- Zastrozhnov, G. Danukalova, S. Semiletkin. Quaternary key-sites and horizon stratotypes of the European part of Russia: basic principles of an electronic database.
- T. Sahra, A. Stefano, A. Fabrizio, C. Mauro, D. Beatrice, De R. Federico, F. Manfred, G. Fabienne, K. Pascal, L. Katrin, M. Paolo, P. Pierluigi, P. Vincenzo. Crosschecking of stratigraphic data (CROSSTRAT): a SEQS project to test the stratigraphic setting of continental deposits in Sardinia and the reliability of radiometric dating.
- P. Pieruccini, A. Bertini, M. Coltorti, D. Magri, E. Martinetto, M. Palombo, C. Ravazzi. DATESTRA, a database of terrestrial European stratigraphy (INQUA grant 1612f): the example of selected sites from Italy.
Edited by Markus Fiebig, Guzel Danukalova, Khachatur Meliksetian. Volume 509, Pages 1-120 (10 March 2019)
Pierluigi Pieruccini
Project Leader - SEQS Secretary
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Università degli Studi di Torino
Via Valperga Caluso 35 - 10124 Torino - Italy
Markus Fiebig
Project Leader - SEQS President
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Institute of Applied Geology
Peter Jordan-Str. 70 - 1190 Vienna - AustriaGuzel Danukalova
Project Leader - SEQS Vice President
Institute of Geology of the Ufimian scientific centre, Russian Academy of Sciences,
K. Marx street, 16/2, - 450077, Ufa-centre, Bashkortostan, RussiaPier Lorenzo Fantozzi
Database design and management
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente - Università di Siena
Via Laterina 8 - 53100 Siena - Italy
Davide Susini
Database design and management, Output design and management
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente - Università di Siena
Via Laterina 8 - 53100 Siena - Italy
We are updating this section
Adele Bertini, Aleksander Borodin, Aleksander Sanko, Alma Grigienė, Anastasia Markova, Evgenia Markova, Anatoly Yakovlev, Benedetto Sala, Björn Buggle, Bogdan Ridush, Bruno Glaser, Daniel Veres, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Donatella Magri, Elda Russo Ermolli, Eva Mencin Gale, Eugenia Osipova, Guzel Danukalova, Jean-Laurent Monnier, Jean-Pierre Lefort, Katrin Kalla, Katrin Lasberg, Krzysztof Stefaniak, Ksenia Bondar, Larissa Kulakovska, Maria Rita Palombo, Markus Fiebig, Miglė Stančikaitė, Nadezhda Lavrova, Mauro Coltorti, Natalia Gerasimenko, Nataliya Zaretskaya, Olga Korsakova, Paola Petrosino, Paul Haesaerts, Pavel Kosintsev, Pierluigi Pieruccini, Sergiy Karmazinenko, Sergiy Prilipko, Tatyana Yakubovskaya, Vaida Šeirienė, Tatyana Strukova, Vasily Kolka, Viktor Chabai, Vladimir Yurin, Yulia Avdeyenko, Yuri Trifonov, Zhanna Matviishina
New issues will be uploaded after Dublin Congress